
Each person is unique, so it’s important your specific needs are met as you move through the healing journey. Below are the areas I am most skilled in as a mental health counselor.

  • Trauma and PTSD

    Complex trauma or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is typically a result of experiencing life’s more challenging situations.  Usually, after a difficult incident, a person may continue to feel psychologically impacted days or even years after experiencing a trauma.  It is my passion to help those experiencing complex trauma/ PTSD find healing to regain aspects of life that have felt difficult or even tainted due to what someone has endured. No matter the cause, the impact of trauma can cause an array of new challenges, but with your willingness to seek healing, you can begin to restore aspects of yourself and life to live the life you want.

  • Young Adults and Coming of Age

    At times the support you may need may solely be related to the phase of life you are in, such as transitioning into college, entering the working sphere, or growing into your authentic self.  I greatly enjoy working with those who need a bit of a helping hand while they navigate life’s transitions.  Together, we can help you gain the skills you need to manage the phase of life you are experiencing.

  • Integration of Faith

    At Healing Gardens Counseling Center, the faith and spirituality of all clients are respected.  I have experience working with an array of spiritualities and cultural backgrounds.  I specifically have worked most closely with those who are interested in integrating the Christian faith into their counseling journey.  The manner in which spirituality is integrated is based upon each individual client and their preferences.

    If this is something you are specifically interested in for your counseling journey, please let me know so I can provide further information on what the integration process looks like.

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy that assists the brain in processing memories that are continulously triggered in the present that cause an individual to experience distressing or troubling symptoms. EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation in the form of eye movements and tapping to help the brain in it’s natural form of healing. Bilateral stimulation is anything that moves from side to side, such as watching a ping-pong ball during a match. EMDR has been proven to help relieve symptoms of anxiety, panic disorders, depression and PTSD.

Flash Technique

Flash technique is a therapeutic tool that helps decrease distress associated with a traumatic or disturbing memory. By reducing the discomfort of memories, an individual can effectively think of the memory to further process it using EMDR or other treatment methods. Flash does not require a person to specifically think of the upsetting memory in detail, resulting in a less intrusive form of processing.

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. ”

— Carl Jung